Book: Blue Moon by Lee Child

New book title: , Select Author: , Select co-Author:

Publisher: Penguin, Select Publisher: , Genre: Action/Adventure, Select Genre:

Year published: 2019, New year published:

Status: ReadSelect Status:, Year read: 2023, New Year read:

Main character: Jack Reacher, new Main Character select:

Summary: Reacher intervenes in a mugging of an old man and ends up fighting organised crime gangs.

New Summary:

Detail: Reacher's concerns for an old man are justified when he gives an assailant his due comeback. Reacher soon finds the old man has serious debt problems. Reacher buys the man some time and goes after the original source of the financial problems, but has to content with two rival gangs controlling two neighbouring parts of the city. As good a Jack Reacher story as ever - gripping from the start and hard to put down.

New Detail:

The best bits:

New best bits:

The worst:

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