Book: Better of Dead by Lee Child

New book title: , Select Author: , Select co-Author:

Publisher: Bantam Books, Select Publisher: , Genre: Action/Adventure, Select Genre:

Year published: 2021, New year published:

Status: ReadSelect Status:, Year read: 2023, New Year read:

Main character: Jack Reacher, new Main Character select:

Summary: A sadistic criminal mind uses cross boarder underground tunnels to hide his activities and plot terror attacks.

New Summary:

Detail: As ever with Jack Reacher books a gripping start, with Reacher in the thick of it. He encounters henchmen who prefer to die rather than fail their boss and suffer his punishment. Reacher faces a tough opponent as well as a complex plot to deal with.

New Detail:

The best bits: Reacher getting a helicopter ride from the CIA with an accidentally on purpose cross boarder drop off.

New best bits:

The worst:

New worst: